Oleg's milestones at Bluewaters: Apartment prices soar ever higher

25 Mar 2024

Presented before you are fresh photographs of Oleg Torbosov's apartment, recently completed with meticulous attention to detail. Take notice of the wardrobe in the bedroom – crafted from dark oak with elegantly tinted doors. The outcome is splendid, albeit procured at considerable expense. This exquisite apartment is offered for sale at $4,2 million.

Yet, within these lines lies the primary narrative – Oleg has achieved two remarkable feats this week. Previously, he had sold two-bedroom apartments for no more than $2,65 million. However, this week he surpassed that benchmark twice over.

At the week's outset, he sold a two-bedroom unit for $2,86 million. Then, closer to Friday, a penthouse apartment fetched $3 million. Both buyers hailed from the realm of IT, one from the United States and the other from Russia. Coincidence? Definitely.