Dubai aspires to become a global hub for medical tourism

13 May 2024

In 2009, Emiratis often sought medical treatment abroad, leaving the UAE for surgeries and complex procedures. Today, their country offers some of the world's top specialists and is poised to become a leading global healthcare center. According to the tour operator The National, the number of bookings in the medical tourism sector has doubled in the past year alone, and this is just the beginning.

UAE on the path to leadership

Over the past decade, the country has transformed into a healthcare hub, driven by the opening of world-class hospitals and increased investments in staff and infrastructure. The government allocates 8% of the total federal budget to the development of this sector, amounting to $1,4 billion.

In 2022, global spending on medical tourism reached $32 billion, with the UAE accounting for 16,8%, or $5,4 billion. Impressive, isn't it?

Top clinics opening branches

It's not just patients flocking to the UAE, but also international healthcare providers. Abu Dhabi hosts a leading hospital, a branch of the globally renowned Cleveland Clinic, which was named one of the top 50 hospitals in the world this year.

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